Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Its been an experience of a lifetime

In the last month, I have move my horizons to a new level. I surfed, kayaked, wind surfed, hiked, ran, jumped, swung, dived, danced, sailed, and was simply blown away. I met so many great people with totally different view points of life. I learnt whats it like to live in paradise. For the first time in my life, I was able to write down my thoughts and be organized. I realized that in life, its about moving forward. Its about breaking barriers. Its also about knowing who you are. That is what gives you the satifaction day after day so you can be content. I learnt that life is a roller coaster and I should get used to it and expect things to be good and then bad. But I should wholly believe that things are going to get better.

I believe that the most important thing in life is time. If I can get time advantage by spending money, I'll do it. Cause I can get the money back, but I can never get the time back.

So what is it that I want now?

I want to finish my physical fitness mania by losing the remaining few pounds.
I want to get the girl of my dreams in my arms.
I want to change things up in my career and go for it all!

Remember, these are goals from my perspective. Every second I lived and gathered experience has made me form these goals. Yours could be totally different or you could not even have any goals. Thats the beauty of each indivdual. This is what I want and as time passes, I'll feel satified as I make progress in each one. A year from now, it could all change. You never know :-).

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