Friday, April 11, 2008

DiamondK injured last two days

Since Wednesday, my right shin is totally bruised and unusable after I fell off the ledge. My windsurfing was cancelled yesterday cause there was no wind and I didn't want to get into the water cause that little wound hasn't clotted yet. Sharks would be like "Yummyyy!" Its still bleeding 2 days later!! I just sat with a fan on my leg for one hour hoping it will start to dry up and its finally starting to look it its going to clot. YES!!! Clot dammit so I can get back into the water.

On another note, I am going to Kauai today!!! YEEEEEEHAW! Going to jump on a flight soon and I'll be posting my first pictures of Kauai tomorrow. This island is known as the garden of Hawaii.

Argh, I just looked again and its again wet and gooey :-O. These pictures really don't show the damage, but local people have said comments like, "Dude, you just lot a chunk of your meat."

DiamondK has other talents besides physical activities - Macrobiotic Cooking

Macrobiotic Cooking is a religion of cooking of which I learnt a little yesterday. It pays really close attention to how food affects your body and your mind. For every season and every day, you can eat a certain way to make yourself feel great! Its also a way to eating low glycemic index WHOLE foods to support a better health and longer life. On a macrobiotic diet, a guy ran 100 miles a day EVERY day until he ran straight across the continental USA. Amazing huh? I real life Forrest Gump. His energy levels were insane, his recovery time was insane, and he was also insane. Thats makes for one potent combination of insanity. I been working on my diet to get me to the point where I wanna be, which is insane. I ran a half marathon in Feb on just my own energy (meaning without any supplements during the race like gatorade or GU, just water). I messed up my knee, so it didn't work as well as I wanted.

After and hour of learning how to cook macrobiotically, we finally were able to enjoy the goodies.



Fried Rice

Blueberry Swirl (yummy)