Look at this! I am person number nine. Whats up with people? Why do they need to be with someone? Well, its the meaning of life. Finding someone we love and leaving our children to carry on our genes is what nature intended for us. Our society makes that fundamental truth seem like a path that is boring and something "everyone does anyway." Although, if you ask anyone who has had kids and is in a good marraige, they are the HAPPIEST people you'll meet. As mundane as that sounds, its what we are here for. Now, with that said, I am not ready for marraige (I can't even spell it) and kids. My logic is that you have to go step by step. First I gotta find someone I can LOVE and TRUST and someone who'll do the SAME for me. Only then I can move forward to the next steps. So after more than 6 months after my last relationship, I sincerely want to be with someone. I want to be with a girl who'll bring me a piece of mind. I want to be with a girl who'll let me live and I'll let her live. A girl who's honest and compassionate. A girl who's absolutely beautiful ... to me, inside and out.
There was only one girl who had a chance at my heart even when it was CLOSED! I can't figure out why that was the case. If you are reading this, I hope it puts a smile on your face. I'll see you soon.