Wow, wow, what a day yesterday was! Since I woke up more sore than usual cause of the 5 hr hike, I decided to call it a rest day today in terms of excercise. Instead, I decided to work on my ultra brilliant super duper unbelievable incredible idea. I ended up at starbucks in Ala Moana mall and started reading the book on UML (Unified Modeling Language). That book will be my guide to designing my idea into something tactile. Incredible book.
Well, surely enough, while I was at a cafe, I started talking to a couple of strangers. Obviously, they aren't strangers anymore. Ray is the striking gentleman in the picture. He is a true free spirit in the midst of self discovery. After working so many years under the "head" (which I am doing also), he decided to leave it all to pursue peace of mind. Now, he's been living in Hawaii for three years and he's never been happier! Currently, he's a freelancer and he's focusing on writing his own novels. Talking to him open doors to new ideas for me. Folks, this is rare that someone gives me something new to think about. He talked about how there's a link between the human collective and each individual and how that link affects us daily. Some aspects are positive and some things aren't, but they shape our lives and guide us to our destiny! I had never thought about this concept before in detail so now I have some more thinking to do. Claudia is the beautiful lady in the picture. She is a marine biologist who left the blase life of materialistic pursuits in long island to do what she loves the most. That move takes a lifetime of courage since everyone else is doing the path that was obviously paved for them! She's very young, but has the intellect of someone far more experienced. From our conversation, I noticed that the best part about her is that she's ready to learn new things and keep an open mind to whats out there. Thats remarkably different that most people who have their opinions and will not budge. This point touches back to my blog about variable change and how someone who can deal with it is most likely to achieve what he/she desire. The most succesful people (with regard to any goal) are the ones with open minds. And by success, I don't mean wealth. To each person, success is different. It could be to discover a new species. It could be to help the poor. It could be to raise your kids such that they have a better life.
Speaking of success, my goal in my twenties is financial freedom. My ultra brilliant super duper unbelievable incredible idea is how I am going to get there. As I read the UML book, I started to see how I could put this thing together. I have this dream and using this book, I am seeing the steps I need to take to get to where I am going!! Its SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL! I took my first steps yesterday on how to get my idea off the ground. Here's another beautiful part. Actually its very beautiful. Its the most beautiful thing. All the resources I need to achieve my goal are all within my means. I want everyone who read this sentence to realize how incredibly lucky I am. There's a lot of people out there who have passion, who have ambition, who have drive, but they just don't have the resources. They can't get the resources. Thats a sad situation to be in and majority of the world faces this problem. Lucky, I am (Yoda style).
Ok, I am off to swim today and maybe I can find a swimming lesson to help me out with my kicking.